Monday, 8 November 2010

Floatworks Collaborating On Fibromyalgia Study

We are very excited to be working on a pilot research study in partnership with Dr. Roderick Borrie, Ph.D. (New York, USA), researching the effects of Floatation Therapy on the symptoms of those suffering from Fibromyalgia.

Professor Borrie is a Clinical Psychologist who has many years of experience in studying and publishing the effects of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) on a number of conditions. REST is the term that he applied to the Floatation experience where the user is not distracted by any outside stimulation, be it light, sound or touch.

The data from this project will be collected and analysed by Dr. Borrie, and Tamara Russell, Ph.D. (King’s College London, UK)

The Floatworks will be one of the initial centres for the study whereby people suffering from Fibromyalgia will be able to come to the centre and use the floatation tanks free of charge, they will calibrate their symptoms at the start of the trial and as it progresses the results will be recorded, collated and published. The project will then be rolled out to Floatation Centres throughout the world giving us a greater body of research. The study will be following on from previous research undertaken in Sweden by Sven-Ake Bood of Karlstad University where he found that floating lessened the perception of pain felt by participants and that they reported feeling substantially better after only 12 treatments. Partly as a consequence of his research Sweden boasts over 150 Floatation Centres for a country with a population of over 9 million.

The impetus for this project came about as a direct result of the International Floatation Summit where it was realised the potential in pushing Floatation Therapy forward when making use of our combined experience, resources and expertise in collaborative efforts.

This project is further confirmation of our commitment to assist in raising the awareness of Floatation Therapy forward into the 21st Century as a mainstream tool for healing and well-being..

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