Thursday, 6 October 2016

#Repost @lanacorinamodel (via @repostapp) ・・・ I float once a month. Why? Our bodies have amazing powers of recuperation and we just need the chance to relax to let these powers work. The deep relaxation state achieved whilst in an isolation tank allows the body to recover from stress. Pain is relieved, the blood flow is stimulated through all the tissues, natural endorphins are released, the brain gives out alpha waves associated with relaxation and meditation. Futhermore, the isopod is filled with 850lbs of Epsom salt. The magnesium in the Epsom salt regulates more than 325 different enzymes within the body as well as improving the functionality of muscles and nerves, whilst the sulphate is essential for the formation of proteins in joints, for digestive enzymes and in the gut wall lining, for the formation of brain tissue and plays a part in detoxification. The absorption of magnesium and sulphate through the skin helps improve the bodies nutrient balance. It has been used to effectively treat everything from stress and anxiety, to migraines, to chronic pain and fibromyalgia, to mental disorders. Highly recommended for any serious bboy and athlete! #model #bgirl #selfie #floatation #float #isolation #tank #floatationtank #isolationtank #blue #whale #bluewhale #isopod #therapy #deep #meditation #state #relaxation #brain #waves #restore #recuperation #endorphins #release #feels #good #London #UK

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